access remove

This command allows you to remove the access from local store of Uplink.


./uplink.exe access remove <name>
./uplink.exe access remove <name>


<name>Access name to delete

Global flags

Global flagsDescription
--config-dir stringDirectory that stores the configuration
--help, -hprints help for the command
--advancedwhen used with -h, prints advanced flags help


You need to have an access in the local store of Uplink before proceeding. See access create,access import, and setup commands for information how to create/import/setup an access.

If you want to remove the current access, you need to switch to another before proceeding, using the access use command.

./uplink.exe access remove us2
./uplink.exe access remove us2
Removed access "us2" from "/home/user/.config/storj/uplink/access.json"
Removed access "us2" from "/home/user/.config/storj/uplink/access.json"
access register